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Large forest average providing solitude, peace, and privacy. A secluded retreat just 8-minute drive to Penguin and beaches.

Phone enquiry code for this property : 8427

If you want solitude and peace, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This property presents a once-in-a-30-year chance to purchase rest, seclusion and a private retreat a world away from the hustle and bustle, yet close to the township of Penguin and beaches. It has towering eucalypts with lush 'Tasmanian tree ferns' and a running creek. It has an old historic tramway running through the property.
Resident paddymelons graze peacefully, and occasionally, the resident's elusive echidna combines with views of Pink Robins, Green Rosellas and the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo. Native vegetation gracefully intermingles with vibrant Waratahs and rhododendrons, their blossoms adding bursts of colour to the lush green backdrop.

Phone enquiry code for this property : 8427

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