Beautiful self contained unit, 2 bedrooms, fully furnished, all bills included, very private , Boronia Heights, Brisbane, send message for inspectio
Phone Enquiry Property ID: 4043
Beautiful self contained unit/granny, 2 bedrooms, fully furnished, all bills included, $ 395/week , Boronia Heights, Brisbane. Lovely spacious open plan living , fully furnished with all appliances, with private courtyard, all bills included. -- 2 bedrooms , 2 queen beds, with buildin wardrobe, == 1 batroom + washing mashine, == tiled living areeas, open plan + furnitures, == fully equipped kitchen + dishwasher, fridge, microoven, vaccum cleaner + more, == air condition, == fully fenced, -- located close [200metre] to shops, restaurants, medical centre, school, -- bus in front of house, -- close to quickly acces the motorway, -- parking in street, -- suitable for 2-3 persons, couples or friends, -- $ 790 bond and 2 weeks advanced rent, -- all bills included , wather, energy, internet. ALL YOU NEED TO BRING IS YOUR CLOTHES AND FOOD.
Beautiful self contained unit/granny, 2 bedrooms, fully furnished, all bills included, $ 395/week , Boronia Heights, Brisbane. Lovely spacious open plan living , fully furnished with all appliances, with private courtyard, all bills included. -- 2 bedrooms , 2 queen beds, with buildin wardrobe, == 1 batroom + washing mashine, == tiled living areeas, open plan + furnitures, == fully equipped kitchen + dishwasher, fridge, microoven, vaccum cleaner + more, == air condition, == fully fenced, -- located close [200metre] to shops, restaurants, medical centre, school, -- bus in front of house, -- close to quickly acces the motorway, -- parking in street, -- suitable for 2-3 persons, couples or friends, -- $ 790 bond and 2 weeks advanced rent, -- all bills included , wather, energy, internet. ALL YOU NEED TO BRING IS YOUR CLOTHES AND FOOD.