To apply, submit an enquiry and you'll receive the application link via email.
To enquire via phone, call 1300 815 051 and enter code 3679
The landlord has recently dropped the rent on this fairly new and immaculate 2 bedroom apartment.
The berooms are larger than what you usually find in apartments with an elevated Northerly outlook which can be enjoyed from the privacy of your balcony. The master bedroom has an abundance of storage with a triple wardrobe, and also has its own ensuite bathroom.
Both bedrooms have their own independent wall heaters and the living area has an aircon system.
The kitchen has all the mod cons incuding Bosch stainless steel appliances and gas hob.
Oh...and secure parking is also included.
Private inspections are available on request.
To enquire via phone, call 1300 815 051 and enter code 3679
To enquire via phone, call 1300 815 051 and enter code 3679
The landlord has recently dropped the rent on this fairly new and immaculate 2 bedroom apartment.
The berooms are larger than what you usually find in apartments with an elevated Northerly outlook which can be enjoyed from the privacy of your balcony. The master bedroom has an abundance of storage with a triple wardrobe, and also has its own ensuite bathroom.
Both bedrooms have their own independent wall heaters and the living area has an aircon system.
The kitchen has all the mod cons incuding Bosch stainless steel appliances and gas hob.
Oh...and secure parking is also included.
Private inspections are available on request.
To enquire via phone, call 1300 815 051 and enter code 3679