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Property for Rent in Bodangora, NSW 2820

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Farm country with great grazing capacity

To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 8671

258.2 hectares, 638 acres of grazing country near Wellington and Dubbo. A great recreational block, starter or add on block for grazing. Well fenced and with many dams. Fences are stock proof, mostly new and there is 3km of new hinge joint fencing. Cattle yards can work 100 head. 4 troughs and 22,000 litre water tank. 8 dams, some dams are spring fed. 5 paddocks plus 6 holding paddocks. Machinery shed with a lockable 40ft container attached.

To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 8671

Contact Agent / Owner

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*based on an average rate of 2.5% commission

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